Piano is an instrument that takes time and consistency to learn. If your student is unable to commit to regular attendance and practice, the timing may not be right to begin instruction. Once I commit to you as a student, I schedule time inside and outside of the studio around your lesson and education. Other students also schedule their time around you. Enrollment is expected for the duration of a semester, but if there are concerns regarding continuance, please speak with me.
Tuition is calculated over the nine month school year, much like a private school, and is payable in equal monthly installments. Summer tuition is calculated from June-August. Tuition remains the same each month (flat fee) and is based on enrollment, not attendance or how many lessons are available each month (December & May have only 2 lessons). Lesson tuition is payable whether the student attends or not and is not adjusted or credited for any reason. In the event of teacher absence, the lesson will be rescheduled or a credit may be offered at the teacher's discretion. Please request the current semester schedule for rates.
Tuition not only covers time spent with students in lessons, but also contributes to (but is not limited to):
Tuition is due by the 7th of each month whether or not the lesson is attended. Students with regular late payments will be required to pay for the semester in advance. Payments received after the 7th will be assessed a $10 late fee. Please include this late fee with your payment. Lessons will be suspended until payment is made if payment goes one month overdue. If you plan to be absent the first week of the month, you may either mail your payment, use electronic payment or pay for the month at a lesson prior to when it is due. Billing statements are a courtesy and will not always be sent prior to the tuition due date. If you have a question about what you might owe, please don't hesitate to ask. There will be a $25 fee for all returned checks (the same fee my bank charges me). Students with repeated returned checks will be required to pay in cash. Tuition is not pro-rated for late entry to a semester.
SUMMER: **Students are expected to continue lessons during the summer. The schedule is somewhat flexible and should provide students with reasonable attendance options. Students who do not attend for the minimum number of weeks during summer will be placed on the wait list for fall and their place on the schedule will not be guaranteed.
A student who does not attend a lesson will simply miss the benefit of that lesson. Your tuition reserves your weekly time in the schedule AND benefits within the studio. Should you cancel a lesson, a credit will not be provided. Please inform me if other activities border your lesson time.
30-minute lessons are offered only to young beginning students and to those where that is the only time slot available. If your student is regularly requiring more time, he/she will be required to move to a longer lesson.
Beginning Students (Level Primer-2A) ............. 30 minute lesson
Elementary - Intermediate (Level 2A-6) .............. 45 minute lesson
Late Int.- Early Advanced (Level 6+) ................ 60 minute lesson
Parents are welcome at lessons provided the student is comfortable (for beginning students, parents are encouraged to attend). If a parent attends a lesson, aside from questions, I request that I be allowed to do the teaching. You may notice that I don't correct every mistake or correct immediately. One of my chief goals is to teach students autonomy in practice. Please trust my judgement, however if you have a question, please feel free to ask.
For the travel studio, it is necessary that a proper teaching environment exists. No other children are to be in the room during lessons and it is requested that the teaching area be relatively free of distraction (this includes noise from TVs, radios, dinner time, etc.). If there are distractions, I cannot concentrate and teach effectively, neither will your student be able to focus and learn. It is highly disruptive if the student is tending to a sibling, answering doors or phones, or activities of a similar nature. Eating during lessons is also inappropriate. It is important that these lessons are treated as though they were taught in my own private studio. If a proper environment is not maintained, lessons will be discontinued.
Respectful, courteous and professional behavior from the student is expected. I will not discipline your student for poor behavior and it is uncomfortable for me to have to continually remind parents and students of basic etiquette. It is extremely important that the student-teacher relationship is a positive one. All students have an off day, however if issues arise that prohibit instruction and that cannot be resolved, I will end the lesson early. No refunds will be issued.
These expectations extend to group classes and events outside of private lesson time. Please make certain your student is aware of these expectations.
Be encouraging. Take a sincere and active interest and ensure regular practice happens. Students who have parental involvement progress much more quickly and are much more enthusiastic about lessons than those who “go it alone”. Young beginners especially need parental guidance. Those who are left to their own devices often struggle, have to constantly re-learn material and ultimately become frustrated. It is no surprise when these students express a desire to quit! Please provide a positive atmosphere at home for your student to practice. It is important that confidence and a joy for playing is fostered.
Aside from help and support, one of the best things parents can do is expose their children to music and support their participation in it. Live concerts and performances are best, but even a variety of music at home has a profound influence on young musicians. It is my sincere hope that any goal you have for your student's study revolves around developing a love and appreciation for all aspects and styles of this art form.
Students must have at home for practice either a tuned acoustic piano (preferred) or a touch sensitive full-sized keyboard (88 keys) with damper pedal and a bench of the correct height. Lessons will not be given on keyboards. I highly recommend placing the piano in an area of the home where a student will be likely to practice but that also is not in a high traffic area. A metronome is required for all non-beginning students. Box metronomes are best and if you choose this kind, please do not buy used as they are often unreliable. Lessons will be discontinued should students not have what is required for their good education.
Be prepared! Have your assignments completed and all of your materials organized and ready to go when your lesson starts! This includes your assignment sheet, which you should have looked at several times during the week. Be sure to have clean hands and neatly trimmed fingernails. Remember to leave your phone where it will not distract from the lesson. If you have questions, aren't liking something or would like to try something new, remember to let me know! Also, please know that I have your best interests in mind. As I am patient with you, please try to be patient with me. Be respectful. And remember, DO NOT BRING FOOD to your lesson. If you're hungry, eat before your lesson!
I am dedicated to providing a positive and supportive atmosphere for learning. Communication and ideas from students and parents is welcomed! I tailor my teaching to individual needs, however I believe in providing a well rounded musical education which includes music theory, technique, ear training, sight reading, and performance. I believe in challenging students appropriately and strongly encourage students to participate in as many opportunities as possible. I am currently specializing in beginning to early advanced students. It is my goal to to help your child enjoy making music and to be better for their study. I am continually adding to my own education through private study, research, seminars and collaboration with other talented teachers so that I may improve my teaching and provide more opportunities for my students. I also spend many hours outside of teaching each week looking for new materials, preparing materials and lesson plans and problem solving for students.
Students are expected to complete their weekly assignments and to practice daily. I expect that students will practice for a minimum of five days a week (this does not include time spent in lesson) and have goal oriented practice (generally 30-60 minutes a day, each student will be given a recommendation). It is especially important that beginners adhere to a practice routine and have supervision and/or help. A good habit of practice takes time to develop and needs to be constantly nurtured. If it is, that habit often carries students through natural lulls and periods of low interest. It is essential that parents are involved in their student's practice, especially for young students. New and younger students need help habituating a practice routine and good habits.
If for whatever reason, you failed to practice during the week or are not prepared, I expect you to attend anyway. Weekly lessons can assist in maintaining progress.
This is a professional studio with professional standards and goals. Please respect the curriculum and my commitment to your child's musical education by maintaining a priority level for studies equal to that of other school subjects and extra curricular activities. When scheduling, please maintain a priority for weekly lessons and practice.
Practice tips here.
Several performance, testing and evaluation opportunities are available to the students each year through UMTA (AIM, etc.), UFMC (Festival), RCM (Royal Conservatory) group classes, studio recitals, etc. Students are expected to prepare and participate in these opportunities each semester. Setting goals and following through delivers dedication and progress; feedback from adjudicators and testing results provide students with a tangible way to measure their progress; performance develops confidence. Investing in events which require preparation is often rewarding and motivating to students and delivers a higher quality outcome.
The teacher may dismiss a student for destruction of property, disrespect or an uncooperative attitude, failure to pay tuition when due, unpaid absences, inadequate teaching environment, failure to practice or failure to uphold studio etiquette, or an improper fit between student and teacher. Should the teacher dismiss a student during a paid month, a refund for remaining lessons may be provided.
Any student who discontinues during a paid month will not be refunded tuition. One month's paid notice is required for discontinuance in order for me to prepare those on the waiting list.
*Studio policies may change at any time given the changing needs of students and the studio. The current policy will always be listed on the website.
**By being enrolled, you have agreed to abide by the above policies, but please also sign and return the document below by the first lesson.
Piano is an instrument that takes time and consistency to learn. If your student is unable to commit to regular attendance and practice, the timing may not be right to begin instruction. Once I commit to you as a student, I schedule time inside and outside of the studio around your lesson and education. Other students also schedule their time around you. Enrollment is expected for the duration of a semester, but if there are concerns regarding continuance, please speak with me.
Tuition is calculated over the nine month school year, much like a private school, and is payable in equal monthly installments. Summer tuition is calculated from June-August. Tuition remains the same each month (flat fee) and is based on enrollment, not attendance or how many lessons are available each month (December & May have only 2 lessons). Lesson tuition is payable whether the student attends or not and is not adjusted or credited for any reason. In the event of teacher absence, the lesson will be rescheduled or a credit may be offered at the teacher's discretion. Please request the current semester schedule for rates.
Tuition not only covers time spent with students in lessons, but also contributes to (but is not limited to):
- Time spent per student weekly in lesson planning, finding music, evaluating student progress and needs
- Preparing and designing materials and assignments
- Preparation & attendance for recitals, group classes and masterclasses
- Auditions, Festival and Competition Attendance
- Studio expenses (maintenance, printing, software and other resources)
- Online & paper subscriptions (sheet music, theory, etc.)
- Technology
- University and continuing education (meetings, study, collaboration, research, seminars and other projects)
- Music Lending Library
- Taxes
- Membership in professional organizations
Tuition is due by the 7th of each month whether or not the lesson is attended. Students with regular late payments will be required to pay for the semester in advance. Payments received after the 7th will be assessed a $10 late fee. Please include this late fee with your payment. Lessons will be suspended until payment is made if payment goes one month overdue. If you plan to be absent the first week of the month, you may either mail your payment, use electronic payment or pay for the month at a lesson prior to when it is due. Billing statements are a courtesy and will not always be sent prior to the tuition due date. If you have a question about what you might owe, please don't hesitate to ask. There will be a $25 fee for all returned checks (the same fee my bank charges me). Students with repeated returned checks will be required to pay in cash. Tuition is not pro-rated for late entry to a semester.
SUMMER: **Students are expected to continue lessons during the summer. The schedule is somewhat flexible and should provide students with reasonable attendance options. Students who do not attend for the minimum number of weeks during summer will be placed on the wait list for fall and their place on the schedule will not be guaranteed.
- Books & Materials: At the start of the year & summer semester (September & June), each student will be charged a materials fee (see current semester rate schedule). This fee contributes to the lending library, all copies and materials used in lessons, any supplies for master classes and group classes, materials used for the various student programs, recital materials and tech & online subscriptions for students, where applicable. The semester fee doesn't cover the entire cost of materials I provide for students, but it helps close the gap.
- Students are responsible to provide their own books, including what is recommended for theory and technique study. Also, each beginning to intermediate student will need a 3-ring binder along with a pencil, pen and highlighter. A few section dividers with writeable tabs is also helpful. Late intermediate to advanced students need a spiral notebook. Most books and supplies can be purchased from or ordered by the studio. The cost of any books or materials is due upon delivery or order.
- Lending Library: The studio library offers supplemental and recital oriented music that students may borrow. Normal wear is expected, however the lending library functions on a “if you break it, you buy it” policy. Please treat these books with respect (clean hands, no torn pages, etc). If, for example, your book comes with a CD and it is damaged or lost, or if pages are unreasonably torn or inappropriately written on you will be responsible for the cost of the book. On the bright side, you then get to keep it.
- Achievement Awards: Student of the Month, Baker's Dozen, Perfect Practice (young beginning students), Student of the Year, Performer of the Year & Honor Roll: certificate & cash award.
- Recitals, Competitions & Evaluations: There are usually 3 recitals annually. If a hall is rented, students may be asked to cover up to $5 per family. In cases of donation based venues, students may or may not choose to donate an amount with which they feel comfortable. Students are responsible to cover all fees associated with competitions and evaluations
A student who does not attend a lesson will simply miss the benefit of that lesson. Your tuition reserves your weekly time in the schedule AND benefits within the studio. Should you cancel a lesson, a credit will not be provided. Please inform me if other activities border your lesson time.
- Scheduling Notes:
- The studio schedule is full. Please choose a lesson time that takes into account all of the year's activities. If a student needs to change times mid-year, that student may have to stay in their time until a time opens or go on the wait list if another time is unavailable. The schedule will not be re-arranged to accommodate a change.
- Your lesson time is not a firm time. Given this is a travel studio with unpredictable delays, please allow a window of time on both sides of your lesson (about 10-15 minutes) and take care not to schedule a lesson time that too closely borders another activity.
- Please make lessons a priority in your student's schedule, as important as other activities in their week.
30-minute lessons are offered only to young beginning students and to those where that is the only time slot available. If your student is regularly requiring more time, he/she will be required to move to a longer lesson.
Beginning Students (Level Primer-2A) ............. 30 minute lesson
Elementary - Intermediate (Level 2A-6) .............. 45 minute lesson
Late Int.- Early Advanced (Level 6+) ................ 60 minute lesson
Parents are welcome at lessons provided the student is comfortable (for beginning students, parents are encouraged to attend). If a parent attends a lesson, aside from questions, I request that I be allowed to do the teaching. You may notice that I don't correct every mistake or correct immediately. One of my chief goals is to teach students autonomy in practice. Please trust my judgement, however if you have a question, please feel free to ask.
For the travel studio, it is necessary that a proper teaching environment exists. No other children are to be in the room during lessons and it is requested that the teaching area be relatively free of distraction (this includes noise from TVs, radios, dinner time, etc.). If there are distractions, I cannot concentrate and teach effectively, neither will your student be able to focus and learn. It is highly disruptive if the student is tending to a sibling, answering doors or phones, or activities of a similar nature. Eating during lessons is also inappropriate. It is important that these lessons are treated as though they were taught in my own private studio. If a proper environment is not maintained, lessons will be discontinued.
Respectful, courteous and professional behavior from the student is expected. I will not discipline your student for poor behavior and it is uncomfortable for me to have to continually remind parents and students of basic etiquette. It is extremely important that the student-teacher relationship is a positive one. All students have an off day, however if issues arise that prohibit instruction and that cannot be resolved, I will end the lesson early. No refunds will be issued.
These expectations extend to group classes and events outside of private lesson time. Please make certain your student is aware of these expectations.
Be encouraging. Take a sincere and active interest and ensure regular practice happens. Students who have parental involvement progress much more quickly and are much more enthusiastic about lessons than those who “go it alone”. Young beginners especially need parental guidance. Those who are left to their own devices often struggle, have to constantly re-learn material and ultimately become frustrated. It is no surprise when these students express a desire to quit! Please provide a positive atmosphere at home for your student to practice. It is important that confidence and a joy for playing is fostered.
Aside from help and support, one of the best things parents can do is expose their children to music and support their participation in it. Live concerts and performances are best, but even a variety of music at home has a profound influence on young musicians. It is my sincere hope that any goal you have for your student's study revolves around developing a love and appreciation for all aspects and styles of this art form.
Students must have at home for practice either a tuned acoustic piano (preferred) or a touch sensitive full-sized keyboard (88 keys) with damper pedal and a bench of the correct height. Lessons will not be given on keyboards. I highly recommend placing the piano in an area of the home where a student will be likely to practice but that also is not in a high traffic area. A metronome is required for all non-beginning students. Box metronomes are best and if you choose this kind, please do not buy used as they are often unreliable. Lessons will be discontinued should students not have what is required for their good education.
Be prepared! Have your assignments completed and all of your materials organized and ready to go when your lesson starts! This includes your assignment sheet, which you should have looked at several times during the week. Be sure to have clean hands and neatly trimmed fingernails. Remember to leave your phone where it will not distract from the lesson. If you have questions, aren't liking something or would like to try something new, remember to let me know! Also, please know that I have your best interests in mind. As I am patient with you, please try to be patient with me. Be respectful. And remember, DO NOT BRING FOOD to your lesson. If you're hungry, eat before your lesson!
I am dedicated to providing a positive and supportive atmosphere for learning. Communication and ideas from students and parents is welcomed! I tailor my teaching to individual needs, however I believe in providing a well rounded musical education which includes music theory, technique, ear training, sight reading, and performance. I believe in challenging students appropriately and strongly encourage students to participate in as many opportunities as possible. I am currently specializing in beginning to early advanced students. It is my goal to to help your child enjoy making music and to be better for their study. I am continually adding to my own education through private study, research, seminars and collaboration with other talented teachers so that I may improve my teaching and provide more opportunities for my students. I also spend many hours outside of teaching each week looking for new materials, preparing materials and lesson plans and problem solving for students.
Students are expected to complete their weekly assignments and to practice daily. I expect that students will practice for a minimum of five days a week (this does not include time spent in lesson) and have goal oriented practice (generally 30-60 minutes a day, each student will be given a recommendation). It is especially important that beginners adhere to a practice routine and have supervision and/or help. A good habit of practice takes time to develop and needs to be constantly nurtured. If it is, that habit often carries students through natural lulls and periods of low interest. It is essential that parents are involved in their student's practice, especially for young students. New and younger students need help habituating a practice routine and good habits.
If for whatever reason, you failed to practice during the week or are not prepared, I expect you to attend anyway. Weekly lessons can assist in maintaining progress.
This is a professional studio with professional standards and goals. Please respect the curriculum and my commitment to your child's musical education by maintaining a priority level for studies equal to that of other school subjects and extra curricular activities. When scheduling, please maintain a priority for weekly lessons and practice.
Practice tips here.
Several performance, testing and evaluation opportunities are available to the students each year through UMTA (AIM, etc.), UFMC (Festival), RCM (Royal Conservatory) group classes, studio recitals, etc. Students are expected to prepare and participate in these opportunities each semester. Setting goals and following through delivers dedication and progress; feedback from adjudicators and testing results provide students with a tangible way to measure their progress; performance develops confidence. Investing in events which require preparation is often rewarding and motivating to students and delivers a higher quality outcome.
The teacher may dismiss a student for destruction of property, disrespect or an uncooperative attitude, failure to pay tuition when due, unpaid absences, inadequate teaching environment, failure to practice or failure to uphold studio etiquette, or an improper fit between student and teacher. Should the teacher dismiss a student during a paid month, a refund for remaining lessons may be provided.
Any student who discontinues during a paid month will not be refunded tuition. One month's paid notice is required for discontinuance in order for me to prepare those on the waiting list.
*Studio policies may change at any time given the changing needs of students and the studio. The current policy will always be listed on the website.
**By being enrolled, you have agreed to abide by the above policies, but please also sign and return the document below by the first lesson.